Department of Veterans’ Affairs community support advisors

Male veterans are overrepresented in most health conditions when compared to non-veterans, and are identified by the Australian Government as a priority population group for specific health and wellbeing attention and action.

We partnered with the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) to conduct a train-the-trainer program for DVA Community Support Advisors (CSAs) located across Australia. During Volunteer Week 2023 (15-21 May), the CSAs co-coordinated in-person or online training sessions for the DVA Mental Health Peer Educator (MHPEs) volunteers, teaching them how to take a more proactive approach to men’s health activities within their communities using the Spanner in the Works? toolkit.

We are the content partner with the Australian Men’s Shed Association for the Spanner in the Works? health promotion toolkit. The theme and messaging of this toolkit were identified by the DVA as a useful health and wellbeing promotion tool for male veterans. 

The final report was delivered in August and preliminary data indicates the peer-led health promotion model has been well-received. This project has the potential to be scaled to a codesigned male veteran health strategy and the development of health promotion information and tools to improve the wellbeing of this priority population group.